
Title Search

We at NRI property legal advisor have a complete gamut of offerings related to search, retrieval, analysis and review of all type of legal documents and public records related to any type of real estate asset – Agricultural, residential and commercial. NRIs or people of the Indian diaspora generally face a nightmarish situation and many impediments in their quest to ascertain the latest ownership of a particular property in India.


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About the Service

Our ‘Title Search’ services provide an exhaustive and in-depth search of public records to determine and confirm a property’s legal ownership. Irrespective of a property having been bought or inherited, it is imperative for NRIs to have complete knowledge and control on the details about their properties located in India and the latest certified records of such properties proving unequivocally the latest ownership pattern of the said property. This is to ensure that their properties are secure and there is no element of uncertainty with regards to the ownership of these properties.

Having updated title documents in their possession, physical status of the property, status of the person in possession and the capacity in which the property is being occupied also needs to be known. In addition to that the commercial value of the property is a key piece of information desired by NRIs